“Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice.” Philippians 4:4
Whenever we look in the Bible, we read words that sometimes have different meanings. Often times we quote this verse in the context of good times. But what was Paul going through when he penned this verse?
We are to rejoice always not for all things, but in all things. Paul’s teaching on emotional well-being which follows, begins with rejoicing in the Lord.
During these times of chaos and confusion, l want to encourage you to exercise faith over fear. Our God is an awesome God, who is able to meet your every need…for nothing is impossible for Him.
In a time where we are surrounded by fear, let’s exercise our faith and know that God is on His throne and everything is going to be alright.
While we understand that we are living in challenging times, we know that God’s Word remains true. It is a beacon of light in the darkness. When you open God’s Word and read the promises found within this precious book, it calms the raging storm. While being a Christian doesn’t mean that we will not see storms, it does mean that Someone is walking next to us until we reach the other side. Have absolute confidence that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will see us through the storm. The God we serve is the Master of this storm.
I pray Psalm 20 over you for today is your victory over this turbulent times.
The Lord knows everything about us also the battles we go through along with all the various hardships. When the time is right, and we have endured with our faith intact and still living with integrity, he will give us the victory. And as Jesus showcased his victory at the CROSS in front of the enemy and humiliated them, he will do the same for you. He will make the effort to prepare a table suitable for a royal heir in front of your enemies so they can see how well it is with you. Any shame, discomfort, pain, sorrow, depression, worries, frustration, anger, sadness,…….and so on is gone ever. Everything that was is gone ever. God is so proud of your achievements, that he will throw you a grand party to celebrate you for everyone to see. And he will top it by anointing your head with oil, which represents separation and gladness. Your portion is joy. It’s also a way to make a statement, and again showcase that you have a calling upon your life, that you’ve got God’s approval, acceptance and his favor and mercy. You can trust that He will stand by you always. You are blessed with your family for the raisen Lord Jesus and is alive forever. Amen Amen Amen! Fountain to your life.