

And Moses cried unto the Lord, saying, What shall I do unto this people? they be almost ready to stone me. And the Lord said unto Moses, Go on before the people, and take with thee of the elders of Israel; and thy rod, wherewith thou smotest the river, take in thine hand, and go. Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the rock in Horeb; and thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink. And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel. Exodus 17:4-6

One of the most prominent traits of the character of Moses is that, at the occurrence of a difficulty, he always carried it straight to God.

It seems strange that God, Who professed to love them should lead Israel into a desert, both foodless and waterless. But love led them there that they might learn the desperate unbelief of their own hearts and the unfailing faithfulness of God’s Heart. Only in a desert reveal what He can be to those who trust Him; for only there was Israel dependent upon Him for everything. Without God – nothing; with God – everything.

The water from the Smitten Rock foretold the Living Water, the Holy Spirit, to be sent forth by the Smitten Saviour. The Holy Spirit was shed forth as the fruit of Christ’s Sacrifice “and drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ” 1 Cor 10:4. The Rock was smitten by the very same rod of judgement that smote the land of Egypt.

The “Rock” was a Type of Christ being smitten by God “Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.” Isaiah 53: 4, which was done at the Cross, and which brought forth Eternal Life at least for all who will believe. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3: 16

The fact of the Cross guaranteed the payment of all sin, past, present and future, the giving of Eternal Life, and the advent of the Holy Spirit in a new dimension, at least for all who will. In fact, Christ, the Cross, our Faith, and the Holy Spirit constitute the basis of Christianity. Read Galatians Chapter 5.

Heavenly Father, by Your Divine Mercy and Favour open my spiritual eyes and ears in Your Word to build my Faith to trust You always. Open my heart for understanding Your Word for revelation and inspiration concerning my life, ministry and current situation in the glorious name of Jesus Christ.

May the God of HOPE fill you with all JOY and PEACE in believing, so that by the POWER of the Holy Spirit you may abound in HOPE. May you have Faith in Christ and what He did at the Cross be established, well grounded with His peace and tranquility by all means. 😇

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