“And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!” Romans 10:15
We bring you greetings of Fountain to you all brothers and sisters.
The Lord has been gracious, giving us protection in our outreach programs conducted in all 4 communities of Adaklu-Helekpe, Adaklu-Kodzobi, Sokode-Ando and Tsakpodzi. It was a 5 days program in each of the 4 communities.
The Crusades program starts with playing gospel video music, that is praise and worship songs from 6:00 pm till 7:00 pm to announce the team’s presence and also allow members of the community to finish their dinner to join us.
We begin the movie after 7:00 pm till 8:30 pm which followed by Salvation message for 25 minutes based a section of movie and then give Altar Call during which we lead those who came to the Lord to say “Sinners’ Prayer” after which we continue the movie for another 25 to 30 minutes. We show Jesus movie the first two days and crown it with Creation movie which includes (The Flood, Tower of Babel and Abraham) for three days.
When we are done we travel back home in Ho and return the next day to continue from where we left off the previous day.
At Adaklu-Helekpe 26 adults gave their lives to Christ and this crusade was held from 2nd to 6th March. Last Sunday service was attended by 21 adults and 8 children.
Adaklu-Kodzobi crusade scheduled for 9th to 13th March was disrupted by rain on 11th March but successful. The community came out in their numbers and at the end of the program 15 adults accepted the Lord and have meeting for fellowship. Their attendance at Sunday service was 11 adults 17 children
We held the crusade for Sokode-Ando from 6th to 10th April and though very successful 28 adults accepted the Lord, their service attendance is not very encouraging as other places. Last Sunday service was attended by 6 adults and 10 children.
Tsakpodzi crusade was postponed from its scheduled date of 20th – 24th April to enable me mourn with Gershon his daughter Mabel’s funeral. So it was held on 3rd to 7th May. A total adults of 31 accepted the Lord and their attendance at last Sunday service was 29 adults and 13 children. Very successful and heart warming.
All the other new churches, Mafi-Sasekpe, Mafi-Tsakpo, Mafi-Srekpe and Mafi-Deveme are also doing marvellously fine in attendance. Same it is with Mafi-Kpordiwlor and Mafi-Kusrum.
We have deployed all five (5) field leaders who visit these new churches.
*Kindly lift all these new souls before the throne of Grace to mature in the knowledge Christ and the Word
- That they will be protected in their journey of life in Christ.
- That the children coming to the fellowship will know the Lord and grow in Jesus Christ
- The Lord bless them and give them testimonies in their new found faith to strength their resolve the live for Him.
- Also that our field leaders are protected as they journey to lead and teach them.
We thank you very much for your unflinching support in form of finance, prayers and words of encouragement. We are gaining grounds and well protected all because of your dedication knowing that distance is not a barrier to God’s power.
It is our fervent prayer also from here on the harvest field that, the good Lord Himself grants all your heart desires and bless you bountifully with His choicest blessings in the glorious name of Jesus Christ. Fountain, for in His Light we see light leading us in perpetual Victory due to the Finished Work of Jesus Christ on the Cross. Hallelujah! ❤️🔥😇