“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me, for my Father has given them to me, and he is more powerful than anyone else. No one can snatch them from the Father’s hand. The Father and I are one.” John 10:27 – 30 NLT
Sheep are simple creatures surrounded by a very harsh world. In the days of Jesus, the sheep had predators such as wolves, bears and lions. In addition, there were thieves and robbers who came into the sheepfold to steal, kill or destroy the sheep. The sheep also had to contend with all kinds of life-threatening diseases in the field.
The method of the predators was to snatch the sheep from the shepherd. The thieves tried to trick the sheep by imitating the voice of the shepherd so that the sheep would be led astray. The sheep which followed the voice of the thieves got stolen from the shepherd.
Jesus used this analogy of the sheep and the shepherd to teach us about the kind of relationship that had to exist between us and Him. He is the shepherd; we are the sheep. As the sheep is threatened by so many enemies, we also have enemies who want to snatch us from the hand of the shepherd.
In a world with so many attractions, how do we as Christians stay close to the Lord and live our lives for Him?
• Know the voice of the Lord the Good Shepherd.
God speaks to us daily through the Bible, the Holy Spirit, and through His anointed servants who study and share God’s word with us. At least one time in every sermon, God breaks through the words of the preacher and speaks directly to the people. It may be in a single sentence or in just one phrase. Let’s pay attention to His voice. Let’s position ourselves to hear Him speak to us.
• Follow the Lord the Good Shepherd obediently.
When we hear God’s voice, we must do what He wants us to do. His word should not just be something we hear; it must also be something we do. We must act on His Word. We must put His Word into action.
• Trust in the Lord the Good Shepherd’s protection.
We must be assured that the Lord, our Shepherd, has the best plans for us. Even when we are not sure of where He is taking us, we must trust that His thoughts towards us are for good and not for evil to give us a future and a hope.
Everlasting Father, connect my heart to Your Word and teach me to know your voice to follow your direction for my life as child follows his father in mighty name of Jesus Christ!