August 23,2024 Day 8

Thursday was an amazing day of answered prayer as many came forward asking to be prayed over for healing. Here a young girl from Kpevenu-Tsati is praying for the healing of her headaches.
Even as adults we often wonder what we have to offer in spreading the word of God. How can I be used? Even the youngest is equipped when we release ourselves to him. In the following picture young team members are mixing up ingredients to make slime and demonstrate a lesson from Paul. That when we invite Jesus into our lives, he changes the way we look, the way we think and the way we act. The visual of the ever changing appearance of the slime was a hit and a great example of Transformation.

Such a beautiful day to share the word and watch how the Lord works. We are blessed to worship and witness to these beautiful people.

Lord we ask that you watch over all those who came forward asking for prayer, continue to watch over them and protect them. Be with all the people who have come to hear your message of love and salvation. Encourage your servants who have answered your call. Restore their energy and confidence as you continue your work through them. And even now might you be preparing others to follow in this team’s footsteps, your footsteps! We ask these things in Jesus name, Amem.