July 20th,2023
It was an early wakeup call here this morning. Today is the first day of the children’s retreat. Starting at 7:30 with breakfast and moving into worship and teaching. The children here are so eager and willing.
Lined up for breakfast!
After everyone had finished eating, we all moved into the chapel for opening worship.

Following worship, we broke up into large groups and started our Bible teachings. After the lessons we would break up into smaller groups for discussions.
It’s not all work and no play!
While it has been a long day and we are now safely back at our hotel, it’s been amazing day. We are so blessed to have been asked to come and take part in this retreat. This evening as we spend time working with Julia, Debbie and Theresa preparing them to teach tomorrow, we ask that you keep them in your prayers. Seeking a calmness to fall over them. Please keep us all lifted up in prayer!
3 John 1:4
I could have no greater joy than to hear my children are following the truth.