

Suddenly, a man with leprosy approached him and knelt before him. “Lord,” the man said, “if you are willing, you can heal me and make me clean.” Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,” he said. “Be healed!” And instantly the leprosy disappeared. Matthew 8:2-3

Having exhibited on the mountain the Statutes of the Kingdom which He proposed to set up on the Earth, our Lord descended, and, in the midst of people, demonstrated His Power as God over disease (Vss. 2-16), over nature (Vss. 24-26) and over demons (Vss. 28-32) and His Ability, by banishing evil, to fill the Earth with happiness and destroy the works and kingdom of the Devil. But men preferred Satanic domination, disease, demons and swine (Vs. 34).

It was against the Mosaic Law for one to touch a leper. To do so made one ceremonially unclean. Did Jesus break the Law?

Leprosy was a type of sin and was looked at by Israel of old as a judgment from God. Not only was the disease loathsome, but many even thought that a leper could not be saved. Luke said that this man was “full of leprosy” which means, he was near death (Luke 5:12). Desperate, even though the Law forbade such, he came close to Jesus, close enough to touch Him.

He did not doubt the Power of Christ to cleanse the leprosy, only the Will of Christ. Knowing his terrible condition, he made the statement, “If You are willing, You can heal me and make me clean!”

Upon this declaration, coupled with the man’s faith, Jesus “reach out and touch him.” As His hand was going toward the leper, He said, “I am willing be healed”
Did Jesus break the Law by touching the leper? No!

The Greek Text implies that His Word healed the leper and not His touch. In fact, when His hand touched the leper, he had already been cleansed, so no Law was broken. The Scripture says that he was “cleansed immediately”

Beloved, get this revelation. Everything that Jesus did was meant not only to help the individual in question, but to also serve as a great Spiritual Truth. The “cleansing of the leper” portrayed His Power to cleanse from all sin, and to do so immediately upon a proper confession of faith.

Heavenly Father, right now, I receive Your Son, Jesus Christ, as my Savior. I thank You for the gift of my salvation. I ask You to set me free from the sin in my life. Wash away my sin so I can be clean. Make me Your child. I believe that Jesus is the only way to receive this precious gift. I believe He suffered on the cross for my sin, that He died, and that God raised Him from the dead. I am no longer lost. I am found. I will live with You eternally. Because of the blood that washes away my sin, and because Your word says so, I am saved. I am set free. I am born again. I rejoice in my salvation! Thank You! Amen Amen Amen! Fountain to your life.

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