

You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book. My enemies will retreat when I call to you for help. This I know: God is on my side.” Psalms 56:8 – 9

How amazing to think of God bending low to collect the tears that slide down our cheeks!

In biblical times, mourners often caught their tears in small, glass bottles before placing them in burial tombs as a sign of their grief. In Civil War times, women collected their tears in bottles until their men returned from battle.

The Holy Spirit through David is saying that despite David’s “wandering” and his attempts to escape from Saul, God knew at all times exactly where he was. Whenever the Believer sets out to carry the Will of God for his life, Satan will do all he can to oppose these efforts. And the Lord allows the Evil One certain latitude in order that we may learn to have Faith and to place our trust exclusively in the Word of God.

Not only does God collect our tears in His bottle, but He also records them in His book. Think about the tears that you have cried: when failure disappointed, death shattered your heart, loss uprooted your life, your child deserted his faith, malicious words wounded. All those tears of grief, frustration, and distress trickled into God’s bottle, and He recorded each shimmering droplet.

Why is God so interested in our tears? In Revelation 21:4, He makes a promise He intends to keep. When we are united in the New Jerusalem, God Himself will wipe every sorrowful tear from our eyes. Because He has kept count, every tear will be wiped away.

In the darkest hour, when no one else sees, your Creator draws near to gently collect and count each tear. One day, He will remember and wipe away every one. Those who sow in tears will reap in joy (Psalm 126:5).

This morning may you receive grace to take comfort that God will one day wipe all the tears from your eyes. Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning!
I prophecy into your life! You will not be replaced where you ought to be highly placed. Your seat of glory will not be empty. You will sit gloriously to eat the fruit of your labour. Your land will not fail to bear fruits in its season. You will be fruitful in all your endeavours. When others are counting their blessings, you will not count your fingers. As long as the covenant of day and night remaineth, seed time and harvest time shall not seize, you shall continue sowing and reaping good fruits in Jesus mighty name. No one will stop God purpose in your life in Jesus mighty name. Amen Amen Amen! Fountain!

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