July 22,2023
Today is day 3 of the children’s retreat here in Ho, Ghana Africa. It’s also the last day of the retreat. As we wrap up our teachings there was the opportunity for an alter call in which 16 children received Christ as their Lord and Savior. Senyo then decided to fill the baptistery of the new chapel building and preform the first baptisms there.

Following the last lesson of the day the team is now washing the feet of every youth as a way of commissioning them to go back to their communities and serve in humility.
After this the retreat was brought to a close in prayer and the children began their journey back home.

With the retreat now over, we are now safely back at the hotel for the night. We have begun packing up tonight as we are checking out in the morning and traveling back to Accra for the next couple of nights. We will be stopping along the way in the community of Mafi Tsakpo for church service. The plan is to spend Sunday and Monday nights at a hotel in the capital. Travel to the Cape Coast early Monday morning to visit the Elmina Slave Castle. And then Tuesday tour a little of Accra before going to the airport in the evening.
The lasted update on Beta. While still in the hospital, she is no longer in isolation and is now able to eat solid foods. Her grandmother Esther is at her bedside, and they are still waiting on further testing. Also, Dzidedi the girl from Klokope that was ill yesterday is doing better and was baptized today along with 8 other Klokope children.
We continue asking for your prayers, not only for us, but for all the children, all the staff and volunteers, for Senyo and his family. For everyone who made this children’s retreat a huge success. Praise the Lord once again for allowing us to be part of this amazing journey!
Isaiah 52:7
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, Your God reigns!