

During the reigns of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed or conquered. It will crush all these kingdoms into nothingness, and it will stand forever. That is the meaning of the rock cut from the mountain, though not by human hands, that crushed to pieces the statue of iron, bronze, clay, silver, and gold. The great God was showing the king what will happen in the future. The dream is true, and its meaning is certain.” Daniel 2:44 – 45

When King Nebuchadnezzar experienced a troubling dream, Daniel assured him that there is a God in heaven Who reveals secrets, and He was pulling back the curtain to reveal events in the last days (Daniel 2:28).

Daniel used the words “splendor,” “excellent,” and “awesome” to describe the image in the dream – a statue with a head of gold, arms and a chest of silver, loins, and thighs of bronze, legs of iron, and toes of iron and clay.

Nebuchadnezzar’s dream speaks to us today. The head of gold represented the Babylonian king whose global empire held power for almost 50 years. Afterward, an inferior kingdom seized power. The Persians and Medes, represented by the two arms and chest of silver, ruled for almost 200 years. Silver is a harder metal than gold, and each kingdom became harsher and more vicious than the one before.

The bronze midsection represents the Greek Empire that began under Alexander the Great and endured for over 250 years. We transition to the two legs of iron that signify the Roman Empire that came to power 63 years before Jesus was born and ruled for over 300 years after His death.

Finally, Daniel predicts an unstable kingdom represented by toes made of iron and clay. This kingdom displays a strange mix of strength and weakness, interconnection, and division. Compare it to our current culture – globally connected and yet, so at odds. Every word was fulfilled as Daniel predicted – certain and sure. And now… we await a kingdom with no end.

Look up! Redemption draws near! May you be found watching and waiting to welcome the King of kings. I pray every secret of your enemies shall be revealed to you in Jesus mighty name, God shall disgrace them openly today in the name of Jesus. Amen Amen Amen! Fountain to your life.



Elijah was a human being, even as we are. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops. James 5:17 – 18

Elijah and Elisha were two men who served God and made every day count When the whole world opposed them, they believed in the One Who called them. They shaped the world for the glory of God.

One day, as they walked along shoulder to shoulder, a chariot of fire drawn by horses of fire separated the two of them, and Elijah was caught up to heaven in a whirlwind (II Kings 2:11). Elisha was left staring forlornly into the sky.

He must have thought, “Without this great prophet, what will become of us now?” We easily succumb to similar thoughts. When God moves powerfully in the life of one individual, we begin to believe that, as long as that person breathes, God can work.

But God is no respecter of persons; He displays no partiality. He has purposes for each one of us. As James points out, Elijah was a human being with the same kind of nature that we possess. And when he prayed earnestly, God answered.

Elijah was just like you and me. Like him, we can make every moment count. Like him, our prayers are powerful and effective. Like him, we can impact this world with the glory of God.

This morning, l pray you will do even greater works than the miracles that Jesus performed when you believe in Him. May you make every moment count to the glory of Jesus Christ! Praise be to Almighty God, for His mercy and favor that we have seen today, I pray we will see the end of the year too in Jesus glorious name.
I pray all your blessing that had been stole by the enemies, you will recover all in the name of JESUS. May the Resurrection power of Jesus scatter every evil conspiracy and power holding unto your breakthrough in Jesus name. l decree all your sorrows shall be taken away today in Jesus mighty name.
You shall laugh and songs of joy will fill your mouth today in the name of JESUS mighty name. Amen Amen Amen! Fountain to your life.



Your promises have been thoroughly tested; that is why I love them so much. I am insignificant and despised, but I don’t forget your commandments. Psalms 119:140 – 141

Naaman, the commander of the Syrian army, was a leper. He was desperate for a cure for his deadly condition.

Help came from an unlikely source. Syrian soldiers raided Israel and captured a young girl whom they brought back to become a maidservant to Naaman’s wife. Living in such close quarters, she must have seen Naaman’s dreadful disease and overheard the distressed and fearful conversations.

One day, she found the courage to say to her mistress: “If only my master were with the prophet who is in Samaria! For he would heal him of his leprosy” (II Kings 5:3). One small voice of hope spoke into Naaman’s misery and despair.

She is only ever mentioned in this one verse. She speaks her truth and leaves the scene. She walks in and out unnamed, but her message of hope changed Naaman’s world.

This maiden had every reason to stay silent. She was a young, foreign girl – small and despised in many eyes. For all of the reasons why she could not have said anything, she had some truth. When she shared the truth, it began to deliver Naaman.

What have you done with the truth you possess about Jesus Christ and His salvation? Your voice can offer the message of hope to change someone’s world forever.

This morning l pray the Holy Ghost will speak through you to offer hope to someone’s world to experience divine turnaround in Jesus mighty name. May you open your mouth to speak God’s truth and love to every person that you meet. May yours be the voice of hope to a searching soul today in the name of Jesus Christ. May your listeners experience signs and wonders in their lives in Jesus glorious name. Amen, Amen and Amen! Fountain to your life.



For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Cor. 10:3 – 5

Broken hearts leave us susceptible to runaway imaginations. Vulnerable and hurting, our minds can drive us to worst-case scenarios. We must keep our imaginations in check.

The Israelites experienced this situation as they prepared to enter the land that God had promised to them for 400 years. Moses sent in 12 spies to canvas the territory. Two of the spies returned and confirmed that Canaan was definitely a land flowing with milk and honey. They encouraged their fellow Jews to take possession of it because they were “well able to overcome it” (Numbers 13:30).

The other 10 spies verified the beauty and bounty of the land, but their imaginations got the better of them. They proclaimed that the people of the land were like giants, and the Israelites were mere grasshoppers who could not hope to be victorious over them. Imagination won out over their faith.

When we keep our imaginations submitted to God and His Word, no heartbreak exists that is too complicated for God to heal. All things become possible to them that believe. He will answer us with great and mighty things that we do not know (Jeremiah 33:3). Take every thought captive to obey Christ!

This morning, l pray for you that, Even when your heart is breaking, He has not given you a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind. His promises to you are established and true in Jesus name. The power of a seed is not in its size but in the quality of its product. May every small effort of yours always yield multiple results of blessings. Life is not by Grade but by Grace. Not by Labour but by Favour. Not by Merit but by Mercy. May the Grace, Mercy and Favour of God locate you as you step out today. Anyone assigned to stop God’s purpose and promise in your life and children life must perish with all their generations in Jesus mighty name. You and your household shall see the mighty hand of God in your life as from today in Jesus mighty name Amen Amen Amen!
Fountain to your life.



You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book. My enemies will retreat when I call to you for help. This I know: God is on my side.” Psalms 56:8 – 9

How amazing to think of God bending low to collect the tears that slide down our cheeks!

In biblical times, mourners often caught their tears in small, glass bottles before placing them in burial tombs as a sign of their grief. In Civil War times, women collected their tears in bottles until their men returned from battle.

The Holy Spirit through David is saying that despite David’s “wandering” and his attempts to escape from Saul, God knew at all times exactly where he was. Whenever the Believer sets out to carry the Will of God for his life, Satan will do all he can to oppose these efforts. And the Lord allows the Evil One certain latitude in order that we may learn to have Faith and to place our trust exclusively in the Word of God.

Not only does God collect our tears in His bottle, but He also records them in His book. Think about the tears that you have cried: when failure disappointed, death shattered your heart, loss uprooted your life, your child deserted his faith, malicious words wounded. All those tears of grief, frustration, and distress trickled into God’s bottle, and He recorded each shimmering droplet.

Why is God so interested in our tears? In Revelation 21:4, He makes a promise He intends to keep. When we are united in the New Jerusalem, God Himself will wipe every sorrowful tear from our eyes. Because He has kept count, every tear will be wiped away.

In the darkest hour, when no one else sees, your Creator draws near to gently collect and count each tear. One day, He will remember and wipe away every one. Those who sow in tears will reap in joy (Psalm 126:5).

This morning may you receive grace to take comfort that God will one day wipe all the tears from your eyes. Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning!
I prophecy into your life! You will not be replaced where you ought to be highly placed. Your seat of glory will not be empty. You will sit gloriously to eat the fruit of your labour. Your land will not fail to bear fruits in its season. You will be fruitful in all your endeavours. When others are counting their blessings, you will not count your fingers. As long as the covenant of day and night remaineth, seed time and harvest time shall not seize, you shall continue sowing and reaping good fruits in Jesus mighty name. No one will stop God purpose in your life in Jesus mighty name. Amen Amen Amen! Fountain!



Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. May your gracious Spirit lead me forward on a firm footing. For the glory of your name, O Lord, preserve my life. Because of your faithfulness, bring me out of this distress. Psalms 143:10 – 11

As believers, we are enrolled in a continuing education program. We become lifelong learners as God opens His Word and speaks His truth.

We keep learning, growing, and maturing – making ourselves ready for the work that God has for us to do. The Lord will enroll us in classes that challenge and stretch us.

He will teach us to pray. Through problems that we are unable to solve, burdens that we are unable to bear, He will instruct us how to call upon Him so He can show us great and mighty things that we did not know before (Jeremiah 33:3).

He will teach us to give. Every perfect gift that we have in our lives comes from the Father of Lights above (James 1:17). Giving is not extraordinary; it is expected. When we recognize the abundance of His blessings, it will prompt us to give cheerfully and generously.

He will teach us to praise. He will take us to school about the power in praise – how it brings heaven down into the circumstances of earth. When God invades the atmosphere, mountains move, yokes break, and chains fall.

May you grow in the grace and wisdom of our Lord Jesus Christ! May you gain a deeper understanding and revelation as a leaner in His university for over comers and achievers. And may He lead you from glory to glory in Jesus name. Amen Amen Amen! Fountain to your life.



But the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon. For they are transplanted to the Lord’s own house. They flourish in the courts of our God. Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green. They will declare, “The Lord is just! He is my rock! There is no evil in him!” Psalm 92:12 – 15

Many today have rejected assembling together with the body of Christ (Hebrews 10:25). They have been wounded by this imperfect collection of people that are the family of God.

Throughout His Word, though, God encourages us to plant ourselves in His house. In the Old Testament, His glory rested atop the mercy seat, and He met with His people in the unsurpassed beauty of Solomon’s Temple.

In the New Testament, the bodies of His believers became His temple. The newly-formed church in Acts met together every day – sharing all their resources, encouraging one another with songs and scriptures, and building up one another in their fledgling faith.

Today, God continues to work in and through His church. Only arrogance presumes to say that we do not need one another. No one person can comprehend all God’s truth. No one person possesses the ability or gifts to reach everyone in this wide world.

Each one of us is a lively stone in the house He is building. We must take our place in His body so that together, we can accomplish all of His purposes. Plant yourself in His house. Put down deep roots. Intertwine your heart with those who fervently love Him. Planted together, we will bear fruit.

As you submit to His Word and worship with the family of God, may you be built up in holy faith in the name of Jesus. I thank God over your life and your family this morning that you see another day. This day will not waste your life in Jesus name. God shall withdraw the control of your life from the hands and domination of household wickedness, in the name of Jesus Christ. May God bless you and keep you throughout the day and be gracious to you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen Amen Amen! Fountain to your life.



Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice.” Philippians 4:4

Whenever we look in the Bible, we read words that sometimes have different meanings. Often times we quote this verse in the context of good times. But what was Paul going through when he penned this verse?

We are to rejoice always not for all things, but in all things. Paul’s teaching on emotional well-being which follows, begins with rejoicing in the Lord.

During these times of chaos and confusion, l want to encourage you to exercise faith over fear. Our God is an awesome God, who is able to meet your every need…for nothing is impossible for Him.

In a time where we are surrounded by fear, let’s exercise our faith and know that God is on His throne and everything is going to be alright.

While we understand that we are living in challenging times, we know that God’s Word remains true. It is a beacon of light in the darkness. When you open God’s Word and read the promises found within this precious book, it calms the raging storm. While being a Christian doesn’t mean that we will not see storms, it does mean that Someone is walking next to us until we reach the other side. Have absolute confidence that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will see us through the storm. The God we serve is the Master of this storm.

I pray Psalm 20 over you for today is your victory over this turbulent times.
The Lord knows everything about us also the battles we go through along with all the various hardships. When the time is right, and we have endured with our faith intact and still living with integrity, he will give us the victory. And as Jesus showcased his victory at the CROSS in front of the enemy and humiliated them, he will do the same for you. He will make the effort to prepare a table suitable for a royal heir in front of your enemies so they can see how well it is with you. Any shame, discomfort, pain, sorrow, depression, worries, frustration, anger, sadness,…….and so on is gone ever. Everything that was is gone ever. God is so proud of your achievements, that he will throw you a grand party to celebrate you for everyone to see. And he will top it by anointing your head with oil, which represents separation and gladness. Your portion is joy. It’s also a way to make a statement, and again showcase that you have a calling upon your life, that you’ve got God’s approval, acceptance and his favor and mercy. You can trust that He will stand by you always. You are blessed with your family for the raisen Lord Jesus and is alive forever. Amen Amen Amen! Fountain to your life.



Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice.” Philippians 4:4

Whenever we look in the Bible, we read words that sometimes have different meanings. Often times we quote this verse in the context of good times. But what was Paul going through when he penned this verse?

We are to rejoice always not for all things, but in all things. Paul’s teaching on emotional well-being which follows, begins with rejoicing in the Lord.

During these times of chaos and confusion, l want to encourage you to exercise faith over fear. Our God is an awesome God, who is able to meet your every need…for nothing is impossible for Him.

In a time where we are surrounded by fear, let’s exercise our faith and know that God is on His throne and everything is going to be alright.

While we understand that we are living in challenging times, we know that God’s Word remains true. It is a beacon of light in the darkness. When you open God’s Word and read the promises found within this precious book, it calms the raging storm. While being a Christian doesn’t mean that we will not see storms, it does mean that Someone is walking next to us until we reach the other side. Have absolute confidence that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will see us through the storm. The God we serve is the Master of this storm.

I pray Psalm 20 over you for today is your victory over this turbulent times.
The Lord knows everything about us also the battles we go through along with all the various hardships. When the time is right, and we have endured with our faith intact and still living with integrity, he will give us the victory. And as Jesus showcased his victory at the CROSS in front of the enemy and humiliated them, he will do the same for you. He will make the effort to prepare a table suitable for a royal heir in front of your enemies so they can see how well it is with you. Any shame, discomfort, pain, sorrow, depression, worries, frustration, anger, sadness,…….and so on is gone ever. Everything that was is gone ever. God is so proud of your achievements, that he will throw you a grand party to celebrate you for everyone to see. And he will top it by anointing your head with oil, which represents separation and gladness. Your portion is joy. It’s also a way to make a statement, and again showcase that you have a calling upon your life, that you’ve got God’s approval, acceptance and his favor and mercy. You can trust that He will stand by you always. You are blessed with your family for the raisen Lord Jesus and is alive forever. Amen Amen Amen! Fountain to your life.



“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

This world can discourage and dissuade us from being the people that God created us to be. In our key verse, Jesus encourages us to “be of good cheer” – to take courage, to be undaunted, even filled with joy!

We have all compared our lives to those picture-perfect social media families and realized that we do not measure up. Our families are imperfect, fractured, and dysfunctional. Well, take courage! We stand in good company.

God does not discount imperfect families. In fact, He has a long history of using very imperfect fathers, mothers, and children to bring about His ultimate plans for good.

He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Judah. Abraham fathered a child with the “other woman” – flawed. Isaac and Rebekah played favorites and created a family rift that lasted for decades – flawed. Jacob’s eleven sons ganged up on their young brother and sold him into slavery – flawed. Judah slept with his daughter-in-law because he thought she was a prostitute – flawed.

All broken down and messed up, but through the lineage of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Judah comes the very Son of God. So, be encouraged! A perfect God will take what the enemy intended for evil in your family and turn it to great good when you submit your all to Him.

May the Word of God be planted in the broken ground of your family to produce a future harvest much greater than any pain in your past. There is No Door that Mercy of God Cannot Open, It Opened Bartimaeus blind Eyes, Opened Elizabeth’s barren Womb, Opened the Red Sea for the Israellites and Terminated 430 Years of Slavery. As you Rise up this Day, all Angels of Help and Mercy shall Rise up and Work for You. Every Door of Blessings, Joy, Happiness, Prosperity, Salvation and every good thing shut against you shall be Opened for You in Jesus mighty name. Your life will attract Mercy and Favour in Jesus Name. Whatever and whoever is against your breakthroughs shall see the judgment of God in Jesus mighty name. Amen Amen Amen! Fountain to your life.