

No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, Philippians 3:13

Our potential does not lie in our yesterdays. It cannot be found in what we have already accomplished – that’s ancient history.

Many of us allow the past to sabotage our potential. We replay old regrets, are paralyzed at the scene of personal tragedy, and waste away our days on what-might-have-beens. We fail to move forward because we have not dealt with the wounds of the past.

Conversely, some of us destroy our potential by resting on the laurels of one shining moment in the past. Did your shop/business break all sales records last year? Keep working hard or you could be looking for a job. Did you make honor roll last semester at School? Do your homework; the challenge is still in front of you.

Paul encourages us to stretch into the future, reaching for the things that are ahead. Our potential lies in the grades that we have not made, the promotions that we have not earned, and the souls that we have not won.

The greatest tragedy is a life that fails to fulfill its God-given purpose and potential. Let’s forget about the things that lie behind us in the past to get moving towards all the potential God has packed into our future.

Eternal Father, l thank you for not holding your servant to his/her past failures and misjudgements but rather urging him/her to keep looking unto *Jesus’ finished work on the Cross at Calvary.* This morning l pray, May you have the courage to let go of the past and embrace your future. May the Spirit of the Lord transform you from glory to glory!
Isaiah 3:10. Today, I say to you and your family, it shall be well with you in all area and you will eat the fruit of your labor in Jesus name. Judges 6:23 & Psalm 118:17. I say to all of you, peace be with you; do not fear, you will not die, you will live and live long in joy and good health and declare the works of the Lord in Jesus name. John 14:15. I pray, you will love God and fear Him, you will do His will, and obey His word in Jesus name.
May you be blessed with wondrous things by the LORD, who made heaven and earth in Jesus mighty name. The noise of this Covid-19 will not waste your life in the mighty name Jesus Christ. Amen Amen Amen. Fountain!!!



“Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” Psalm 90:1 – 2

God remains ever faithful. The One Who moved in generations past still reigns from His throne today. This is the same as “in Him we live, and move, and have our being” Acts 17:28. In other words, we look to God for everything.

Those who pass through life depending on their own strength find it a way of labour and sorrow; those who lean the arm of Adonai, Who is Eternal, find it a way of joy and rejoicing – even in the wilderness.

Elijah and Elisha, the prophets of God, served shoulder to shoulder in the midst of a corrupt generation. Ahab, the Israelite king, did more to anger God than all the others before him (I Kings 16:33). As an ardent devotee to Baal, Queen Jezebel ruled over the pagan worship in the kingdom – false gods, ritual prostitution, and child sacrifice. She habitually executed priests and prophets of the true God.

Elijah and Elisha boldly proclaimed the word of the Lord and condemned the worship of Baal before Ahab and Jezebel. Because of the evil they perpetrated in Israel, God finally eliminated their family line.

We also serve in a generation that has rejected God to turn aside to lesser idols. Instead of being overwhelmed by despair and fear as events unfold, we are called to be beacons of truth to a world that has lost its way.

We stand on a foundation that cannot be destroyed. Heaven and earth will one day pass away, but every “i” will be dotted, and every “t” will be crossed in the Word of God; every promise will be fulfilled. When we are faithful to do what God asks of us, He will make it count for His kingdom. He is faithful.

May God fill you with holy boldness to speak His truth and shine His light. Praises to our God Who is still mighty to save and able to deliver! Mercy speaks when hope is lost. I decree this early morning that Mercy will speak for you, and open every doors shut against your greatness and breakthrough in Jesus’ glorious name. You will never loose your contact from God’s Divine Grace, Mercy, Favour and protection in Jesus name. May His Divine Blessings continue to shower upon you and all your loved ones in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen Amen Amen. Fountain to your life.



So he asked Jesse, “Are these all the sons you have?” “There is still the youngest,” Jesse answered, “but he is tending the sheep.” Samuel said, “Send for him; we will not sit down until he arrives.” 12 So he sent and had him brought in. He was ruddy, with a fine appearance and handsome features. Then the LORD said, “Rise and anoint him; he is the one.” 13 So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the LORD came upon David in power. Samuel then went to Ramah. 1 Samuel 16:11-13

The anointing of God does not guarantee a trouble-free life, but it is the power that pulls us through the trouble.

When the prophet, Samuel, anointed David as Israel’s next king, the Spirit of the Lord came upon him from that day forward. Samuel departed for home, and David returned to his father’s flocks.

Later, when an evil spirit troubled King Saul, he sent for David to play the music that soothed him. Finally, he was in the palace where he belonged! But when his father called for help, David left for home.

When Israel warred against the Philistines, David went to check on his brothers. There, the anointing rose up to defeat the arrogant Goliath with one stone. David’s fame grew, and so did Saul’s jealousy. Threatened with his murderous rage, David was forced to flee.

For years, David ran from Saul – hiding, pondering Samuel’s words, questioning his anointing. But at the appointed time, God fulfilled His promise and exalted David to king.

You are anointed for God’s purposes. Seeming setbacks do not diminish His calling for your life. In the waiting, He will strengthen and prepare you for promotion. His plan may be years in the making, but your perseverance will be rewarded

May the Spirit of the sovereign Lord anoint you for His purposes. May you not grow weary in the waiting, for you will reap the reward. Today, the Almighty God that changes day to night, and night to day will change your bad situation to a better and comfortable one in the name of Jesus. He will give you a reason to sing, and will make the people to rejoice with you by restoring all your past losses and stolen blessings in the name of Jesus. He will let His Covenant of peace and comfort operate in your life and He will make you overcome every opposition against your plans and vision for life in the name of Jesus. From now on, you will begin to enjoy the grace and mercy of the Lord forever in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen Amen Amen! Fountain to your life.



“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Mark 11:24

Our potential is activated by faith . It is not an option; it is a requirement for the child of God. Faith is the victory that overcomes the world (I John 5:4).

In Genesis, God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness” (Genesis 1:26). The Hebrew word for likeness means “to operate like” – not to look like. How does God operate? He operates with faith . If we are not functioning like God in faith, we are malfunctioning. Faith believes now

For the believer, hope is based on the evidence found in the Word of God. Hope is based on the substance of what God has done in the past – knowing that if He has done it before, He can do it again in our lives.

Faith is not mystical; it is rock solid. It does not demand miracles; it creates miracles. Faith takes the first step before we know the outcome. It is not a leap in the dark; it is a walk in the light. Faith believes because of the proof in God’s Word.

Because Jesus healed, the potential to heal is inside of us. Because Jesus worked miracles, the potential to work miracles is inside of us. Faith is fact – not fiction. As children of God, we have the potential to receive whatever we ask.

Now AGREE with me in Declaration by Faith:

I Decree and declare that, as Prophet Samuel carried the Oil that made David King and did not lose his Direction until he found David, God will order somebody carrying Blessings, Favour, Greatness, Promotion, Breakthrough, to locate you today in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.
I Declare Anointing to provoke Open doors and Restoration shall fall upon you today.
I decree and declare those lions and dragons assigned against you and your home shall die shamefully and suddenly in Jesus Mighty Name. Anyone who has become a torn in your flesh, doesn’t want you and your household to make it in life must receive open disgrace in the name of Jesus Christ. I Decree and Declare by the Authority of Scripture, the Power of the Blood of Jesus and the Fire of the Holy Ghost, it is well with you spirit, soul and body because you are hidden under the shadow of the protective wings of the Lord God Almighty now and always in the glorious name of Jesus Christ!!! Amen, Amen, Amen!



“I sought the Lord, and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears.” Psalm 34:4

We all have fears. People fear failure, the unknown and change. People fear rejection, which is why they’re willing to change into what other people believe they should be. People fear conflict, which is why they’ll do anything to avoid it. People fear death because they’re afraid that the promises of everlasting life might not be true.

Whenever I look for a profile of courage to encourage me, the shepherd boy named David, who faced a giant with a slingshot, tops my list. But for all his acts of courage, he said he didn’t just have a fear; he had many fears. And when he considered his fears, no matter what they were, he had one solution—to seek the Lord. When he sought the Lord, he was “delivered” from them, which means the fears were taken off of him, but he was not delivered from the situation. Suddenly in the midst of conflict, he had the courage to do what he needed to do to solve the problem, whether it was a giant or to rule and build the kingdom. Courage for David, and for all of us, is the strength to control our fears and to do what God calls us to do.

May the Lord bring to you blessed assurance—the peace of God that surpasses all understanding which will crush every element of fear. May God bring you through the fiery furnace without the smell of smoke upon you. May God lift every burden from you and give you the faith to shout the victory on the darkest night of your life. God is your helper and your strength; therefore, it is well with your soul. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad. The battle is the Lord’s, and the victory has already been won in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen Amen Amen. Fountain!



“The Lord is righteous in her midst, He will do no unrighteousness. Every morning He brings His justice to light; He never fails…” Zephaniah 3:5

Jesus is a Savior worth having. Many people measure the value of something based on its reliability. Is it of good quality? Will it perform consistently? Can I trust it?

We live in a shifting-sand world. A man’s word is no longer his bond. Contracts and legal clauses are required to seal the deal; mere handshakes no longer suffice. Promises seem made to be broken. Conflicting voices make guarantees they do not deliver. The ground beneath our feet can be unstable and insecure. Stories are slanted. Perspectives are perverted. Expectations are exhausted. Vows are violated.

If you are weary of the disappointment, consider the Rock (Deuteronomy 32:4). In Jesus, we find the stability, the solid ground beneath our feet. In Him, we live in a kingdom that cannot be shaken (Hebrews 12:28). Across the centuries, no person who ever put their trust in Him found themselves disappointed or without hope (Isaiah 49:23). He will not walk away. He will not turn His back (Hebrews 13:5). He is not fickle. He does not change like shifting shadows (James 1:17). He is the tried and true, utterly reliable, the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).

We can take Him at His word. Heaven and earth will disappear, but His word will remain forever (Matthew 24:35). His promises to us are always “Yes” and “Amen” (II Corinthians 1:20). His amen is a “truly,” a “let it be so.” John the Revelator called Jesus the “Amen, the Faithful and True Witness” (Revelation 3:14). He is proven. We can trust Him.

Unwavering, secure, dependable, trustworthy – Jesus is a Savior worth having. We find shelter under the shadow of His wings (Psalm 17:8). He holds us lovingly, safely in His hand, and nothing nor no one can snatch us away (John 10:28). We can count on His welcome, His smile, His good heart towards us. He never falters. He never fails.


Jesus, my Rock and my Redeemer! Thank You for Your faithfulness through the generations. Teach me to be like You. Establish me in all Your ways. Let my words be true. Help me keep my promises. Help me to be a faithful spouse, a present parent, a dependable employee, a trustworthy friend. O’ Lord, I trust in You with all my life and my whole being today and forever in Jesus’ precious name. Amen Amen Amen. Fountain!



“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.”

Do you believe that your words are so powerful that they have the power of death and life in them? Notice how extreme those two positions are. God didn’t say that there’s a little bit of good and a little bit of bad in your speech. He didn’t say there’s a little sweet, sour, sassy or sincere. He said you have one of two things coming out of your mouth. One is life, and the other is extremely different, and that’s death.

How many dreams have been birthed by words of inspiration and hope? Words such as, “I believe in you” and “You can do it,” reminders that “all things are possible through Christ,” and statements such as, “God is able to give you exceedingly abundantly above all you could ask, think or imagine.” These are words that give life to your dreams. And how many dreams have been abandoned because of statements that have destroyed the thing that you desire in your heart? We can assassinate a dream and destroy a destiny with statements such as, “I don’t think so,” “You’ll never…” and “I doubt it.”

Today choose words of life from God’s Word that will change your life and others’ lives.

May you live from this day forward with supernatural blessings which bring God’s continuous happiness in your home, in your marriage, in your speech, in your emotions so that the law of divine happiness will rule your hearts and minds in the glorious name of Jesus Christ. Amen Amen Amen. Fountain!!!



“The rain and snow come down from the heavens and stay on the ground to water the earth. They cause the grain to grow, producing seed for the farmer and bread for the hungry. It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.” Isaiah 55:10-11

On Wall Street in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan in New York City, United States of America, they say, “Money never sleeps.” They want it to be constantly earning money, and to do that after the market closes, they invest their money in another market in the world so that it keeps producing. They want value to be constantly added.

The same principle applies to God’s Word: It never sleeps. It is constantly working in your life. God wants to invest in you so much that He bought you with the great price of His only begotten Son’s life. He is investing His Word in you, and it’s not going to return void. It’s going to accomplish its purpose in changing your life and causing you to prosper and grow. Whatever He has said He will do in your life, He will do it and nothing can stop it. No one can void God’s promises from working in your life. That promise that He’s given you may not show up for a month or a year, but it will come to pass. The apostle Paul said it this way: “He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.”

So, my dearly beloved in Christ, be encouraged today: God’s Word is always working. Walk in the Word and you will reach your goals and dreams because it is infallible.

And now may the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. May the Lord turn His face towards you and give you His peace. May you walk in the divine favor of God. May everything that you put your hands to prosper and be blessed of God because you hear. Be it unto me according to Thy Word. And as the Word of God and the will of God synergize in your life, you will know joy that is unspeakable, peace that surpasses all understanding, and accomplishment beyond your wildest expectation in Jesus’ glorious name. Amen Amen Amen. Fountain!



“No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you.” Joshua 1:5

For at least 40 years, Joshua looked to Moses as the great problem solver for the people of Israel. He had seen the miracles performed and heard God’s Word spoken through Moses. But Moses was dead, and now Joshua needed the same power to solve problems. Joshua’s time had come, and sooner or later, your time will come as well. God will direct you to lead something for His purpose. When that time comes, the only way you’ll succeed is if you engage with God and hear what He has to say to you. God will move you out of every comfort zone and into what I call “the God Zone” where you hear His voice.

Joshua is in the God Zone, and the Lord opens the conversation with this promise: “As I was with Moses, so shall I be with you.” God was telling Joshua the same thing He told Moses from the burning bush: “I AM the source of your power. I AM the One who parts the waters. I AM the One who rained manna on you in the wilderness. And I AM the same yesterday, today and forever.” He had been with Moses. He was with Joshua. And the same God is with you now!

Dear Heavenly Father, bless them and keep them. Make Your face shine upon them and let the promise of Your Word come alive in their lives. Let them abandon fear, forsake worry and place their trust in the God who has never failed, that the enemies that stand before them are defeated before their very eyes. Therefore, we, the redeemed of the Lord, celebrate what Christ has done and declare victory on behalf of what He will do in Jesus’ glorious name. Amen Amen Amen! Fountain!!!



“And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19

Today’s Scripture doesn’t say, “My God shall give me what I want.” It says that He’ll supply all my needs. I need a Savior. I need someone to wash sin out of my life. I need a scapegoat who can bear the guilt of my transgressions and iniquity and die in substitution of what I deserve. I don’t get what I want. But thank God, He loves me so much that He gives me the sacrifice I need.

I don’t know what you want in your life today, but I know that if you need something, Jesus Christ is all-sufficient. Jesus Christ is El Shaddai. He is a way maker. He is a yoke and bondage breaker. He is the Prince of Peace who can soothe your tormented mind. He is the provider who can open up the windows of heaven and shower you with blessings that you cannot contain. He is the healer who can touch a sick body and make it strong again. He is the banner in battle who will give you victory when defeat looks imminent. Stop begging God for what you want and start praising God that He has supplied your every need according to His riches in glory!

Father, I thank You that You’re in this place, and that with our hands lifted and our hearts extended, we can, in faith, reach out and touch You. I thank You, Father, that in reaching for You, You have already reached toward us and given us the blessings of God which are limitless and know no measure. Bless us, Father, with physical strength and divine healing. Bless us, Father, with goodness and mercy that follows us all the days of our lives. Let Your loving kindness and provision be upon us that we would have sufficiency for every good work, and the world would recognize that our Father in heaven is a loving King who provides for His own. We bless You, Lord Jesus; we thank You for Your Word. We stand upon it as the living promise of God that sickness is defeated, sin is destroyed, and we the children of God, live life without limit because You are our King. In Jesus’ glorious name, we receive the blessing. In faith believing, we receive Your answer. Amen Amen Amen! Fountain!!!