When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.” Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.” The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my sheep. John 21:15-17
Three times Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love Me more than this?” before giving Peter commission to shepherd His sheep because there is human love and God’s love. Human love is but a shadow of God’s love. He was asking, “Do you love Me more than this?” Nothing can compare with the power of this word, spoken from the heart. Remember a man can process to be a Christian and not such in heart. If l say, “l love you” and I’m not such in heart, it means I’m talking of shadow. The word, “l love you”, spoken from the heart can change your destiny. Love can make a king abdicate his throne, that is, resign. Love can make a poor boy, a poor man, a beggar become a prince, if spoken from the heart. Knowing God’s love will enable you to press on to tomorrow. Nothing is stronger than love. Nothing is greater than all because God is love and God is greater than all.
The Lord said to Moses, “Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them: ‘Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy. “‘Each of you must respect your mother and father, and you must observe my Sabbaths. I am the Lord your God. “‘Do not turn to idols or make metal gods for yourselves. I am the Lord your God. “‘When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Do not go over your vineyard a second time or pick up the grapes that have fallen. Leave them for the poor and the foreigner. I am the Lord your God. “‘Do not steal. “‘Do not lie. “‘Do not deceive one another. “‘Do not swear falsely by my name and so profane the name of your God. I am the Lord. “‘Do not defraud or rob your neighbour. “‘Do not hold back the wages of a hired worker overnight. Leviticus 19:1-4, 9-13
God is love. He is without peer. That is – without equal, equivalent, equipollent. There’s nothing to compare with love. Richer than any mineral – love. Warmer than any sun – love. That is love for you. God is love. God loves the orphans, the strangers, the widows, the needy, just name them. Therefore man, if he loves God truly, is under obligation to love his fellow man. God is concerned about justice and righteousness. Therefore man, if he loves God, must be concerned about justice and treatment of his neighbour.
Today, every one of us wants to be a minister of God. We want to preach the Gospel, we want to stand in the presence of a congregation, we want to talk, we want to be seen. But we abandon the initial ministry, which is the ministry of giving, helping the needy, raising the standard of living. These two cannot be separated because what comes from the ministry goes to the ministry of giving to widows, needy, strangers. For a lasting ministry, the giving ministry must follow. If you don’t want your ministry to disappear while you are still living or to die when you die, the giving ministry must follow. That is the only thing that will sustain your ministry. It is the giving ministry that services the ministry.
You know you must service your car. After driving your vehicle, you take it to the mechanic for service because when you don’t service your car, it will no longer work. If you don’t have a giving ministry, you can’t service the ministry. Service your ministry, service life. To service them is to love the strangers, the widows, the orphans, the needy. If you love them as yourself, as you love yourself, as you love your children, then, you are servicing your life. Where there is no love, there is neither mercy nor grace – that is hell.
The more you give to widows and orphans, the more God increases the strength of this ministry so that you can do more for these orphans and widows and others. If they open their mouths to pray for you because of what you are doing for them, wow! What a breakthrough. God’s goodness will continue towards you, if you respond by loving Him, by loving others, by loving your neighbour. God’s love is expressed, is revealed in our prosperity, protection from disease and sickness, continued mercy – that is God’s love.
Christianity is not a religion; it is a relationship. Love cannot exist without relationship. It can be manifested only where there is an object to be loved. God’s love is first love. You can’t love without God’s love. You can deny God, you can ridicule Him, you can slander Him, you can ignore Him but His love remains constant, unchanging. If you say you love God, God loves strangers, loves widows, loves orphans, loves the needy. You should be under obligation to love your fellow brothers, to love others, to love your neighbours. By His love we love. Through His love, we are a new man. In His love, we have newness of life.
God’s love centres in His will. It is His will to give. It is our will to give back and also to receive the gift freely given. Ability to achieve is given by God. We thought we can do all this by ourselves. You can laugh by yourself. But you have failed to realise that to laugh is by God. A God – fearing person must always be conscious that all abilities are divine endowment. Life must be treated with reverence. It is God Almighty who determines the beginning and end of life.
Category: Partner Info
Good morning and Fountain to you all in the glorious name of Jesus Christ.
- Thank the Lord for His protection and provision always during this perilous times.
- Lift our upcoming Crusade at Mafi Deveme which starts tomorrow 9th February, for the inhabitants’ hearts to be touched and receptive to Lord.
- Pray for the wellbeing of all the outreach team members.
- Please pray the Lord healing touch Mavis Ayikpa, a 44 years old woman and mother of 2 children of Klokope, who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. The left breast has developed a big wound with the nipple completely gone and now admitted to the ICU of the Ho Teaching Hospital this morning. She is the daughter of Gershon Kpeta
Spontaneous Crusade
We are at Adaklu Agblefe a village about 30 minutes drive from Ho.
Is not on the calendar but I just feel to spend Saturday here to share Christ and win souls in the Kingdom!
Just getting bad news from Klokope where 8 families lost their houses last because of bush fire.
They lost everything.
The fire happen around 10:00 pm when they went to bed. The fire started on 2 houses and while they efforts was being made to quench them, 2 other houses also got affected
Three caregivers were among the 8 families.
Georgina Yedzude’s caregiver
Etse Nyabi’d caregiver
Sodzi Mawuli’s caregiver
God being so good no one was hurt.
Personal effects:
Clothing, household items including cooking utensils, 10 bags of maize, 2 motorbikes GHC2450 cash were destroyed.
15 children from the 8 families lost their books, school bags, school uniforms footwear and other dresses
Of the 8 families are:
8 men
8 women
10 boys age 5 – 18years
16 girls age 6 – 14 years
Total= 42
The cost of damages has been assessed to be approx. $6,000 US dollars. If God is leading your heart to contribute toward rebuilding, please choose “development” in the drop-down options on the giving page.
Meet Senyo
Senyo Cudjoe is our primary partner and long time friend. He is the Founder and President of Biblical Discipleship & Growth Ministry. Senyo is also Pastor of Fountain of Life Chapel International.
Senyo was born in Ghana, and has been serving local communities through church planting and community development for nearly 40 years.
He is an expert in reaching non-literate people groups, and has trained ministry leaders around the world.
Throughout the years we have seen God do so many amazing things through our continued partnership in the Volta Region of Ghana. One opportunity was in the village town of Klokope. The village had been promised help with development in the past, but nothing had come except for disappointment, so the first visit was not very exciting. Beginning with support for the orphaned children through caregiver families the relationship began. This is the note we received from Senyo celebrating what we have seen God do from that point on:
“Good morning and Fountain! In His Light we see light, we see blessing, we see opportunities and healings.
What a joy unleashed on the people of Klokope by the Jesus Christ all because of Move City Church’s willingness to venture into far away Volta Region of Ghana, Africa in fulfilment of the Great Commission.
Hearts, for that matter, the souls of the people of Klokope are saying thank you God for the visionary leadership of MCC who defied all odds to invest their time, finances and prayers on their behalf.
Those prayers are seeds that were sown in their hearts and also for their needs that have been ignored by the authorities for years if not centuries since their great great grandparents came to settle there.
To Togbe Larry Andrews and Pastor Jesse Colburn who were the first responders. Then, Ron & Sue Stevens and Josh & Morrisa Berkley, Sister Courtney, April Wood and Emma Keninger who were second responders. Pastor Allan Bushnell and Patricia Bracken who were the third responders with the Reinforcement Base Team as backer of The Move City Church community, the people are saying: May the good Lord richly bless you, keep you all safely united and answer all your individuals, families and ministry’s prayer needs in Jesus mighty name.
The people are saying since the first day Move City Church, elder Togbe Larry Andrews and Pastor Jesse Colburn stepped into Klokope their needs of many years began to receive attention.
1. Rain Water Harvesting Tank
2. Children support
3. Electricity came
4. Kindergarten teachers were paid
5. Ten Seater KVIP
6. Borehole completed
7. Kindergarten Building was re-roofed
8. Now the road has just been open for easy access.
They are filled with thanksgiving to God for your lives and praying God’s blessings upon you all from on high most importantly the leadership team of Pastors and the Elder Board whose visionary initiatives we seeing the goodness of the Lord today.
Because He cares,” – Pastor Senyo Mawufemor Cudjoe
Today we are celebrating all of the blessings that God has allowed for Klokope over the many years of investment, trust, and partnership. These projects and accomplishments were not the work of one person, but have happened through the work of local contractors in Ghana, local volunteers in the towns, funds from individuals, oversight and motivation from the local church (Fountain of Life Chapel International) and ministry (Biblical Discipleship and Growth Ministries) and even attention and support from the government of Ghana.
Please celebrate with us and consider partnering in some way to see more of these things in more towns in rural Ghana in the future!