“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your Faithfulness. Lam. 3:22 – 23
Indeed the Lord’s faithfulness is incomparable and we at Biblical Discipleship & Growth Ministries, Fountain of Life Chapel International, together with my family can attest to it because we continue to benefit from it and we are very grateful to the Lord as always for all He has done and will be doing in the coming years. Truly speaking, it can Only be God Who is the centre of our achievements and precious partners like you.
We began the year 2022 on the Theme: DIVINE MERCY AND FAVOUR. Psalm 102:13 was revealed and directed by God Almighty in October 2021 and was duly launched during Christmas service on 25th December 2021.
During the year we conducted 64 Open Air Crusades in 16 targeted villages and led 615 souls to Christ. This became possible because we received donations which enabled us to purchase a video Projector, outdoor Projector Screen, Public Address System with 2 cordless mics, a generator with lighting system, 120 Ewe Bibles and 120 benches.
Of these Crusades in 16 villages, ten (10) churches were planted for Fountain of Life Chapel International, 2 for United Calvary Church, and 4 for Faith Chapel Ministry.
The 10 churches planted for Fountain of Life Chapel International are being led and overseen by 5 sponsored field leaders.
Every quarter, BDGM receives and distributes orphan children’s funds to sponsored children and their caregivers in the villages of Klokope and Kpevenu-Tsati for their food and basic needs. A team travels from Ho to these two communities to personally hand the funds and supplies to the beneficiary children’s caregivers and take pictures of children available at the time of visit.
Just last Thursday 23rd December, when the team was on their way to distribute children’s funds at Klokope, they saw parents of 8 years old Abel of Kutime who fell from a Cashew tree and had his jaw bone broken at his chin and both ears. Because there was no vehicle in the village at the time, the team had to suspend their mission and transport this young boy Abel to Adidome hospital. Unfortunately Abel was referred to Ho Teaching Hospital where he is now receiving treatment. Those are some of the interventions you cannot refuse to do.
As l write this report the good news that, this morning a second X-ray test was conducted on Abel before taking him to the theatre for surgery but to amazement of the doctors, there is no fracture of his jaw bones and so he was discharged. Glory to God for His answer to power prayer.
Many efforts and attempts were made over the years to get Clean water for the people of Klokope and Kpevenu-Tsati such as drilling boreholes and building of Rain Water harvesting tanks which didn’t work. With prayers for the Lord to touch the hearts of government authorities, today I wish to report that this year April, pipe borne water was extended to the 2 communities and has been finally commissioned on 16th December and for the first time the people of Klokope and Kpevenu-Tsati now drink fresh treated pipe borne water. To God be the glory, great things He has done and greater things He will do in the coming years for His people.
Emergency relief
Early February fire gutted 4 houses at Klokope in the middle of the night leaving 8 families homeless with all their personal effects including cooking utensils, 10 bags of maize, 2 motorbikes, and cash amount GHC2450 burnt to ashes.
Through personal appeals to local individuals and members of Fountain of Life we made a total donation of GHC4000 to cover cooking utensils, School uniforms, Exercise/notebooks and footwear.
Not only that, fortunately our international partners at Move City Church and Move Africa Inc. heard our cry and supported us to rebuild all four buildings by reroofing two buildings and rebuild from the scratch the other two making it possible for these families to move back into their homes. The Lord blesses all who donated to make this happen thereby putting a smile on their faces and showing the power of love demonstrated by our Lord Jesus Christ.
Fountain of Life Chapel construction
Early this year we were prompted by an insider that our land permit is about to expire and the land will be rezoned. Because of its prime location, 2 businessmen were seriously and vigorously chasing after it. We quickly mobilized our meagre resources and got to work on casting the floor of our 600 seater Sanctuary we began 7 years ago from 20 – 22 April 2022.
Our Macedonian call attracted the Lord’s attention and on the 5th of May we received our first donation from our international partners Move City Church and Move Africa Inc. This enabled us to purchase materials such as iron rods, cement, woods, chippings etc to kick start raising pillars.
The authorities from the planning department who came round task us to complete the superstructure before the end of September to secure the land.
We were fired up when our international partners by God’s grace and love stood in the gap coming alongside conducting fundraisers and sending donations to us in June, July, August, and September making it possible for us to complete the superstructure. Glory to God. May the Lord bless them for every dime making it possible for the Sanctuary construction to progress steadily.
At the local level we got donations of bags of cements all these made it possible for how far we have come. Between May and August the Lord has been so good to us that, we had good weather most of the time during the day which made it possible for the pace at which the work progresses.
As l write we received donations for the fabrication of the trusses in November thereby putting the trusses fabricator to work in waiting for the roofing. God is good all the time.
In October after spending time in His presence for direction, the Lord gave me the theme for 2023 as a sub-theme of 2022. It is: 2023 and BEYOND, SPREADING GOD’S LOVE: Listening, Generosity, Encouraging, Kindness and Praying John 13:34 – 35
In November, we appealed to 5 local sponsors for support to enable us to launch the Theme during our Christmas Service on 25th December.
God being so kind we received a donation of 65 pieces of 5 kg rice, 65 pieces of 5 kg gari, 100 pieces of tin fish and 72 bottles of oil on Saturday, 24th December and duly launched it during Sunday 25th December service by donating to the people we intended. Beneficiary target people who could not join us at the service, because their depravity were visited after church by our team in their homes and the items presented and prayers said for them.
We have divided Ho into 12 target areas or suburbs for monthly outreach by identifying deprived locations in these suburbs.
May I express our heartfelt appreciation to you and your family for your huge contribution to the success of BDGM and Fountain of Life Chapel International 2022 ministry projects and programmes.
Psalms 100:4-5 says, “Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise! Give thanks to Him; bless His name! For the Lord is good; His steadfast love endures forever, and His faithfulness to all generations.”
We pray that anything upon which you lay your hands shall flourish uncommonly, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
Category: Prayer
We have prayed along time for this!
We received this wonderful message from Senyo this morning:
The people of Klokope yesterday got the opportunity to fetch pipe borne water in their own community when the contractor finished the pipe stand and test run the line.
They were told the supervisors and engineers will come round in the coming days to officially hand it over.
Keep praying for Kpevenu- Tsati, that they would also be blessed with a functional water well or collection tank.
“And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!” Romans 10:15
We bring you greetings of Fountain to you all brothers and sisters.
The Lord has been gracious, giving us protection in our outreach programs conducted in all 4 communities of Adaklu-Helekpe, Adaklu-Kodzobi, Sokode-Ando and Tsakpodzi. It was a 5 days program in each of the 4 communities.
The Crusades program starts with playing gospel video music, that is praise and worship songs from 6:00 pm till 7:00 pm to announce the team’s presence and also allow members of the community to finish their dinner to join us.
We begin the movie after 7:00 pm till 8:30 pm which followed by Salvation message for 25 minutes based a section of movie and then give Altar Call during which we lead those who came to the Lord to say “Sinners’ Prayer” after which we continue the movie for another 25 to 30 minutes. We show Jesus movie the first two days and crown it with Creation movie which includes (The Flood, Tower of Babel and Abraham) for three days.
When we are done we travel back home in Ho and return the next day to continue from where we left off the previous day.
At Adaklu-Helekpe 26 adults gave their lives to Christ and this crusade was held from 2nd to 6th March. Last Sunday service was attended by 21 adults and 8 children.
Adaklu-Kodzobi crusade scheduled for 9th to 13th March was disrupted by rain on 11th March but successful. The community came out in their numbers and at the end of the program 15 adults accepted the Lord and have meeting for fellowship. Their attendance at Sunday service was 11 adults 17 children
We held the crusade for Sokode-Ando from 6th to 10th April and though very successful 28 adults accepted the Lord, their service attendance is not very encouraging as other places. Last Sunday service was attended by 6 adults and 10 children.
Tsakpodzi crusade was postponed from its scheduled date of 20th – 24th April to enable me mourn with Gershon his daughter Mabel’s funeral. So it was held on 3rd to 7th May. A total adults of 31 accepted the Lord and their attendance at last Sunday service was 29 adults and 13 children. Very successful and heart warming.
All the other new churches, Mafi-Sasekpe, Mafi-Tsakpo, Mafi-Srekpe and Mafi-Deveme are also doing marvellously fine in attendance. Same it is with Mafi-Kpordiwlor and Mafi-Kusrum.
We have deployed all five (5) field leaders who visit these new churches.
*Kindly lift all these new souls before the throne of Grace to mature in the knowledge Christ and the Word
- That they will be protected in their journey of life in Christ.
- That the children coming to the fellowship will know the Lord and grow in Jesus Christ
- The Lord bless them and give them testimonies in their new found faith to strength their resolve the live for Him.
- Also that our field leaders are protected as they journey to lead and teach them.
We thank you very much for your unflinching support in form of finance, prayers and words of encouragement. We are gaining grounds and well protected all because of your dedication knowing that distance is not a barrier to God’s power.
It is our fervent prayer also from here on the harvest field that, the good Lord Himself grants all your heart desires and bless you bountifully with His choicest blessings in the glorious name of Jesus Christ. Fountain, for in His Light we see light leading us in perpetual Victory due to the Finished Work of Jesus Christ on the Cross. Hallelujah! ❤️🔥😇
During construction on the Fountain of Life Chapel, our Mason whose name is Godsway, made a decision to accept Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Saviour!
He previously did not go to church, and had not made this decision – so we rejoice along with heaven, and for him and his family.
Please take a moment and say a prayer for Godsway the concrete mason, and celebrate with us, praising God that He is working in more than just the physical construction, but also in the spiritual construction – building people’s hearts.
Good morning and Fountain to you all in the glorious name of Jesus Christ.
- Thank the Lord for His protection and provision always during this perilous times.
- Lift our upcoming Crusade at Mafi Deveme which starts tomorrow 9th February, for the inhabitants’ hearts to be touched and receptive to Lord.
- Pray for the wellbeing of all the outreach team members.
- Please pray the Lord healing touch Mavis Ayikpa, a 44 years old woman and mother of 2 children of Klokope, who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. The left breast has developed a big wound with the nipple completely gone and now admitted to the ICU of the Ho Teaching Hospital this morning. She is the daughter of Gershon Kpeta